
AI Innovation in Services Marketing

AI Innovation in Services Marketing (Ricardo Fontes Correia, Dominyka Venciūtė)

  • 110,000đ
  • Mã sản phẩm: AI2567
  • Tình trạng: 2

Chapter 1

Where AI Meets Captivating Storytelling: A Case Study of Invest Lithuania ......1

Monika Belhaj, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

Chapter 2

The Role of Artificial Intelligence to Empower and Leverage Brands ................27

Carlos R. Cunha, Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent

Robotics (CeDRI), Laborat.rio para a Sustentabilidade e

Tecnologia em Regi.es de Montanha (SusTEC), Instituto Polit.cnico

de Bragan.a, Bragan.a, Portugal

Jo.o Pedro Gomes, Instituto Polit.cnico de Bragan.a, Portugal

V.tor Mendon.a, UNIAG, Instituto Polit.cnico de Bragan.a, Bragan.a,


Chapter 3

Increasing Customer Engagement in Digital Marketing Campaigns in a Time

of AI .....................................................................................................................48

Urte Dudzinskaite, ISM University of Management and Economics,


Ricardo Correia, Polytechnic Institute of Bragan.a, Portugal & CiTUR,


Dominyka Venciute, ISM University of Management and Economics,


Ruta Fontes, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Chapter 4

The Role of Health Marketing in the Dissemination of AI and ML

Application in Preventive Health .........................................................................81

Let.cia Moura, 2Ai – Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, School

of Technology, Polytechnic Institute of C.vado and Ave, Portugal

Bruno Barbosa Sousa, Polytechnic Institute of C.vado and Ave,

Portugal & UNIAG, Portugal & CiTUR, Portugal

Cl.udia Miranda Veloso, GOVCOPP, Aberta University, Portugal &

ESTGA, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Chapter 5

The Effect of Artificial Intelligence Awareness on Job Performance: Gender

as Moderator and Experience as Mediator ........................................................110

Oumeima Toumia, University of Sousse, Tunisia

Farouk Zouari, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia

Chapter 6

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Advertising .....................................134

Milda Budėnaitė, ISM University of Management and Economics,


Ricardo Correia, Instituto Polit.cnico de Bragan.a, Portugal & CiTUR,


Dominyka Venciūtė, ISM University of Management and Economics,


Chapter 7

Artificial Intelligence and Service Marketing Innovation ..................................150

Monica R., Christ University, India

Aswin Varghese Soju, Christ University, India

Sathish Kumar B., Christ University, India

Chapter 8

Service Innovation Metamorphosis From Assimilation to Synthesis Approach

for Building Disruptive Business Strategies ......................................................173

Sridhar Manohar, Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University, India

Ruchi Jain, Amity School of Business, Amity University, Noida, India

Ruchika Jeswal, Amity School of Business, Amity University, Noida,


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