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Bộ Sách Price Action của Bob Volman Forex Price Action Scalping và Understanding Price Action

Bộ Sách Price Action của Bob Volman Forex Price Action Scalping: an in-depth look into the field of professional scalping và Understanding Price Action: practical analysis of the 5-minute time frame.

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  • 280,000đ
  • Mã sản phẩm: B?6887
  • Tình trạng: 2


Understanding Price Action is a must read for both the aspiring and professional trader who seek to obtain a deeper understanding of what is commonly referred to as "trading from the naked chart". With hundreds of examples commented on in great detail, Volman convincingly points out that only a handful of price action principles are responsible for the bulk of fluctuations in any market session—and that it takes common sense, much more than mastery, to put these essentials to one's benefit in the trading game.

Forex Price Action Scalping provides a unique look into the field of professional scalping. Packed with countless charts, this extensive guide on intraday tactics takes the reader straight into the heart of short-term speculation. The book is written to accommodate all aspiring traders who aim to go professional and who want to prepare themselves as thoroughly as possible for the task ahead. Few books have been published, if any, that take the matter of scalping to such a fine and detailed level as does Forex Price Action Scalping. Hundreds of setups, entries and exits (all to the pip) and price action principles are discussed in full detail, along with the notorious issues on the psychological side of the job, as well as the highly important but often overlooked aspects of clever accounting. The book, counting 358 pages, opens up a wealth of information and shares insights and techniques that are simply invaluable to any scalper who is serious about his trading.

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