Essentials of Marketing Research 6th edition
Essentials of Marketing Research, Sixth Edition (Joseph F. Hair, Jr. etc.).
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- Mã sản phẩm: ES2106
- Tình trạng: 2
Part 1 The Role and Value of Marketing
Research Information 1
1 Marketing Research for Managerial
Decision Making 2
2 The Marketing Research Process and Proposals 28
Part 2 Designing the Marketing Research
Project 51
3 Secondary Data, Literature Reviews,
and Hypotheses 52
4 Exploratory and Observational Research
Designs and Data Collection Approaches 78
5 Descriptive, Predictive and Causal
Research Designs 114
Part 3 Gathering and Collecting
Accurate Data 143
6 Sampling: Theory and Methods 144
7 Measurement and Scaling 170
8 Designing the Questionnaire 208
Part 4 Data Preparation, Analysis,
and Reporting the Results 243
9 Qualitative Data Analysis 244
10 Preparing Data for Quantitative Analysis 268
11 Basic Data Analysis for Quantitative Research 298
12 Examining Relationships in Quantitative
Research 340
13 Communicating Marketing Research Findings 378
Glossary 405
Endnotes 414
Name Index 420
Subject Index 422