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Finding Number 1 Stocks

FINDING #1 STOCKS. Quyển sách hướng dẫn cách lọc cổ phiếu. Nhà đầu tư sẽ hiểu về các đặc tính, tính chất của các loại cổ phiếu khác nhau. Kết hợp với phong cách của nhà đầu tư (giao dịch theo momentum, agressive growth, value, Income, technical...) để đưa ra các chiến lượt phù hợp. Tham khảo mục lục bên dưới...

  • 120,000đ
  • Mã sản phẩm: FI5455
  • Tình trạng: 2

Chapter 1 The Importance of Screening and Backtesting 

Why Should I Use a Stock Screener? 


Chapter 2 Identifying What Kind of Trader You Are 

Question 1: What Kinds of Stocks Do You Want to Invest In? 

Question 2: What Characteristics Do You Want Your Stocks to Have? 

Question 3: What Do You Want Your Stocks to Do for You?

Chapter 3 Defining the Basic Trading Styles

Momentum Style 

Aggressive Growth Style 

Value Style 

Growth and Income Style 

“All Style” Style 

Technical Analysis 

Winning in Style 

Chapter 4 Trading the Zacks Rank 

The Zacks Rank versus the Market 15

About Len Zacks 17

Calculating the Zacks Rank 18

What the Rankings Mean 20

Four Factors of the Zacks Rank 24

Chapter 5 Beyond the Zacks Rank 

Filtering the Zacks Rank 27

How Many Stocks Are Right for You? 32

Chapter 6 How to Trade the Strategies 

Once a Month 33

Once a Week 35

Combining Holding Periods 35

Chapter 7 Winning Momentum Strategies 

Big Money 37

Earnings Acceleration 42

Increasing Earnings 44

New Highs 46

Using New Highs for Sector and

Industry Analysis 50

Summary 53

Chapter 8 Winning Aggressive Growth Strategies 

Small-Cap Growth 55

All-Cap Growth 61

Sizing Up the Markets 64

Zacks Rank 5 or 4 to 1 66

First Profi t 68


Chapter 9 Winning Value Strategies

Value and Spark 71

R-Squared Growth 78

ROE for Your ROI 82

Cash Is King 83

Price to Cash Flow 84

Statistical Analysis of P/CF, P/E, P/S, P/B, and PEG 85

Combined Valuation Screen 94

Summary 95

Chapter 10 Winning Growth and Income Strategies

Growth and Income Winners 97

Growth and Income Method 1 102

Modifying Your Strategies 103

Dividend Attraction 104


Chapter 11 Winning “All Style” Strategies (and Other Stuff That Works)

Finding Growth and Value Stocks the Right Way 110

Sales and Margins 113

Relative Price Strength 115

Broker Rating Upgrades 118

New Analyst Coverage 121

Top Stocks, Top Industries 122

Combining Two Great Ways for Identifying the Best Sectors and Industries 124

Earnings Yield 125

Calculating Price Targets 127

Chapter 12 Applying Technical Analysis

Increasing Price and Volume 132

TA and FA Winners 133

3 Days Up, Price and Volume 135

Moving Averages 139


Chapter 13 Identifying Chart Patterns

Symmetrical Triangles 150

Ascending Triangles 154

Descending Triangles 158

Flags and Pennants 162

Rectangles 171

Wedges 176

Head and Shoulders 182

Inverted Head and Shoulders 184

Screening for Chart Patterns and

Consolidation Areas 192

The Pattern That Called the Market Top

and Bottom in 2007 and 2009 195


Chapter 14 The Right Tools for the Job 

A Good Ranking System 200

Screeners and Backtesters 201

Research Wizard: A Complete Research Tool 204

Chapter 15 Getting Started Screening and Backtesting 

Screening for Stocks 207

Backtesting Your Screens 211

Advanced Screening and Backtesting 221


Chapter 16 Short Selling Strategies for Bear Markets

Toxic Stocks 236

Decreasing Earnings Two Years Out 239


Chapter 17 Managing Risk and Cutting Losses 

Using Stop Losses 243

Diversifi cation and Portfolio Weighting 245

Summary 247

Chapter 18 Know Your Options 

The Option Is Yours 

Buying Calls and Puts 

Straddles and Strangles 


Covered Call Writing 

Uncovered Call Writing 267

Put Option Writing 268

Stock Screening for Options 273

Chapter 19 Investing in ETFs 

ETFs for Any Market and Any Direction 

Screening for the Right Sector and Industry ETFs 

Chapter 20 Putting It All Together 


Free Trials and Other Resources 


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