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Từ khóa: consulting, business, Getting started


Getting Started in Consulting

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  • 120,000đ
  • Mã sản phẩm: BD
  • Tình trạng: 2

Establishing Goals and Expectations (Including Your Own) 
You Will Be What You Decide to Be, Nothing Less, Nothing More
Starting At Square Zero: Financial Needs 
Personal Attributes: The Investment from Within 
Time Use: There’s No Such Thing As Not Having Enough Time 
Focus: We’re All Working Part-Time 
Why Collaboration Can Kill You 

Physical Space and Environmental Needs 
Act Like You Have a Business and You ’ ll Have One
Alternative Work Spaces 
The Basics Around You 
Beyond the Basics 
Communicating at the Speed of Light 
Getting Some Help From Some Friends 

Sorting Out the Legal, Financial, and Administrative 
First, Let’s Kill All the Lawyers Legal Requirements and Organizational Options 
Accounting, Financial, and Tax Matters—Exploiting Opportunities 
Finding a Banker and Obtaining Credit 
Other Professional Help 

Marketing 101 
Creating a Market Gravity for Your Business Creating a Press Kit 
Stationery and Related Image Products 
Pro Bono Work 
Listings, Ads, and Passive Sources 

Advanced Marketing 
Creating a Brand Establishing a Web site 
Obtaining Media Interviews 
Speaking 1

Interlude Leveraging Technology 
How to get Started at the Speed of light
The Importance of Being Earnest 
The Budget Sampler 
Best Practices in Leverage 

Initiating the Sales Process and Acquiring Business 
Building Relationships
Finding the Right Buyer 
What to do About Gatekeepers 
Gaining Conceptual Agreement 
Creating a Succession of “Yeses” 

Closing the Sale 
How to Write Proposals and Cash Checks
The Nature of Excellent Proposals 
The Nine Steps of Great Proposals 
When to Follow Up 
Eight Rules for a Command Appearance 
Ten Steps to Follow if the Buyer is Unresponsive 
Horrors, What if the Buyer Says “No!”: Six Steps to Redemption 

Establishing Fees 
If You Bill by the Hour, You Cheat Your Client and Yourself
The Fallacy and Lunacy of Time-Based Fees and Per Diems 
Preparing and Educating the Client 
Fifty-one Ways to Increase Your Fees 

Moving to the Next Level 
You May Be Ready for Dramatic Growth Before You Know It
Finding Resources: The Pros and Cons of Staffs 
Business Planning 

Creating Passive Income 
Working Internationally 
Investing In Longer-Term Potential 

Giving Yourself Permission to Succeed 
How to Continue to Grow by Paying Back
Maximize Retirement Investing 
Professional Growth 
Selective Project Acquisition 
Celebrity Status 
Life Balance 
The Firm’s Future 
Giving Back 

The Quick Start 
How to Hit the Consulting Ground Running at Full Speed
First Dimension: Creating Infrastructure 
Second Dimension: Reaching Out for Business 
Marketing Technique 1: Call Everyone You Know 
Marketing Technique 2: Target Twelve 
Marketing Technique 3: Focused Prospecting 
Quick Start, Full-Speed Mileposts, and Dangers 

A. Business Plan to Attract Investment 
B. Sample To-Do Lists 

C. Offi ce Equipment Recommendations 
D. Trade Associations, Professional Groups, Publicity Sources 
E. Sample Biographical Sketch for a New Consultant 
F. Sample Position Paper 
What You Need To Know 
What You Need To Do 
G. Sample Magazine Inquiry Letter 
H. 101 Questions for Any Sales Situation You’ll Ever Face

An Overview 
Qualifying the Prospect 
Finding the Economic Buyer 
Rebutting Objections 
Establishing Objectives 
Establishing Metrics 
Assessing Value 
Determining the Budget Range 
Preventing Unforeseen Obstacles
Increasing the Size of the Sale 
Going for the Close 
The Most Vital Question

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