Marketing Research Kit for Dummies
Sách hướng dẫn chi tiết cách nghiên cứu thị trường cho người mới bắt đầu. Thiết kế bảng khảo sát và câu hỏi. Phân loại, ghi nhớ và phân tích.
Đặt in tại HoaXanh - Sách bìa màu đóng gáy keo nhiệt.
- 150,000đ
- Mã sản phẩm: D
- Tình trạng: 2
Design surveys and questionnaires. Identify, obtain, record, and analyze marketing data. Improve existing products and services.
Marketing Research: Learn It, Live It, Love It
Seeing What Marketing Research Can Do for You
What Is Marketing Research?
Comparing Marketing Research to Marketing Information Systems
Using Research for Problem Identifi cation and Problem Solving
Looking at problem-identifi cation research
Becoming familiar with problem-solving research
The Most Appropriate Research at Each Stage of the Product Life Cycle
Making the Big Decision to Do (Or Not to Do) Marketing Research
When you should do marketing research
When you shouldn’t do marketing research
Following the Stages of the Marketing Research Process
Working Your Way through the Stages of Research
Stage 1: Identifying the problem
Stage 2: Designing the study
Stage 3: Selecting a sample
Stage 4: Gathering the data
Stage 5: Analyzing the results
Stage 6: Communicating the fi ndings and their implications
Anticipating Outcomes
Surveying the Types of Research You May Do
Recognizing the Difference between Basic and Applied Research
Basic: The research you probably don’t care about
Applied: The research you want to do
Exploratory, Descriptive, and Causal Research: Picking Your Approach
Getting started: Exploratory research
Describing your market environment: Descriptive research
Identifying relationships: Causal research
Comparing Longitudinal Research and Cross-Sectional Research
Believing In Marketing Research Ethics
A Solid, To-the-Point Ethics Checklist
Keeping in Mind a Researcher’s Obligation to Respondents
Obtaining informed consent
Avoiding deception
Respecting respondent privacy
Avoiding Abuse of Research Clients
Making sure proprietary stuff stays proprietary
Conducting unnecessary research
Performing wrong or irrelevant research
Ignoring errors in ongoing studies
Using unwarranted shortcuts
Recognizing Clients’ Obligations to Researchers
Remembering Clients’ Obligations to Respondents
Recalling that Respondents Have Obligations, Too!
Working with Independent Marketing Researchers
Making the Choice to Solicit Outside Expertise
Sources of Inexpensive Research Help
College and university students
College and university research centers
College and university faculty
Small local firms
Qualities to Look for in a Researche
Helpful throughout the process
Proper communication and analytical skills
A focus on partnership
High professional standards
Part II: Surveys: A Great Way to Research
Different Types of Surveys You May Use
Conducting Face-to-Face Interviews
Examining the general face-to-face setup
Performing intercept interviews
Conducting Telephone Surveys
Reviewing the contemporary methods for conducting phone interviews
Reviewing the pros and cons
Noting the problems with telephone directories
Categorizing Self-Administered, Paper-and-Pencil Surveys
Mail surveys
Administered surveys
Publication insert and fax surveys
Opting for Self-Administered, Electronic Surveys
Browser-based surveys
E-mail-based surveys
Interactive kiosks
Internet samples
Logging Behaviors with Diary Panels
Strengths and weaknesses of diary panels
Questions answerable with diary panel data
A sample diary page
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Data-Collection Method
Understanding the Problems with Commercial Lists
Recognizing Errors in Survey Research
Respondent-Centric Survey Errors: Reviewing the Components
Random sampling error
Systematic error
Understanding why respondents provide inaccurate information
Tackling Nonresponse Error
Understanding the reasons people become nonrespondents
Encouraging respondent cooperation
Minimizing error by boosting your response rates
Managing Administrative Error
Interviewer cheating
Data processing errors
Looking at Reliability, Validity, Generalizability, and Sensitivity
Recognizing the difference between reliability and validity
Determining reliability and validity
Minimizing variation in responses
Testing for reliability and validity
Valuing study generalizability
Valuing measurement sensitivity
Asking People about Their Attitudes
What’s an Attitude?
Recognizing and Using the Three Attitude Components
Reviewing the Classic Hierarchy-of-Effects Model
Developing Sound Attitude Measures
Understanding the importance of theory in measuring attitudes
Identifying your conceptual and operational defi nitions
Becoming Familiar with the Attitude Measurement Process
Strongly Recommended: The Popular Likert Scale
Constructing Likert scales
Structuring Likert-type scales
Semantic Differential (SD) Scales
Reviewing the limitations of SD scales
Limitations of profi le analysis
Writing Good Questions.
Comparing Open-Ended and Close-Ended Questions
Looking at open-ended questions
Explaining close-ended questions
Writing Good Questions
Only write questions that address your research problem
Write clear and precise questions
Include only mutually exclusive and exhaustive responses
Use natural and familiar language
Avoid leading questions
Ask one question at a time
Soften the impact of potentially objectionable questions
Generating Reliable and Valid Answers
Consider memory effects
Don’t ask respondents to make unnecessary calculations
Steer clear of impossibly specifi c questions
Control for order bias
Always provide equal comparisons
State both sides of an attitude scale in question stems (lead lines)
Ask questions as complete sentences
istinguish undecided responses from neutral ones
Formatting a Purchase Intent Scale
Designing Effective Graphic Rating Scales
Working with Comparative Scales
Ranking scales
Paired-comparison scales
Constant-sum scales
Dollar-metric scale
Designing Good Questionnaires
What’s in a Good Questionnaire?
Finding qualifi ed respondents with screeners and fi lter questions
Familiarizing yourself with skip patterns
Organizing your questions
Providing clear instructions
Creating an effective layout
Formatting consistently to guide respondents through your questionnaire
Choosing simple answer formats
Reviewing Guidelines for Cover Letters
Using Browser-Based Questionnaires
Understanding the advantages of browser-based questionnaires
Visualizing browser-based questionnaires
Reviewing some common on-screen display options
Creating an Internet survey
Pretesting: Ensuring Your Questionnaire Is a Good One
Deciding on a Sample Type
Introducing Basic Sampling Terms
Getting Familiar with Nonprobability and Probability Samples
Examining the different types of nonprobability samples
Describing the different types of probability samples
Balancing probability samples
electing a Sample: The Eight Steps
Choosing either a probability or nonprobability sample
Defi ning your target population
Selecting your sample frame
Identifying sample units
Planning the procedure for selecting sample units
Collecting Samples for Online Research
Selecting a Sample Size
Examining the Relationship between Sample Size and Random Sampling Error
Practical Criteria for Determining the Size of a Probability Sample
Approaches for Determining Sample Size
Using Sample Size Formulas and Calculators
More Methods to Meet Your Needs
Secondary Data: What Is It and How Do You Use It?
Understanding Uses for Secondary Data
Using secondary data for fact-fi nding
Regression-type model building
Recognizing Internal Secondary Data
Looking at the advantages
Noticing the disadvantages
Improving Effi ciency with External Secondary Data
Examining sources
Noting the advantages
Staying mindful of the disadvantages
Evaluating External Secondary Data
Asking the right questions
Assessing Web sites
Being leery of non-U.S. secondary data
Taking care with percentages and index numbers
Using In-Depth Interviews and Focus Groups.
Seeing How Qualitative Methods Can Help You
Conducting In-Depth Interviews
Describing two types of in-depth interviews
Seeing how in-depth interviews should be conducted
Carrying Out Focus Group Interviews
Characterizing focus group interviews
Reviewing the advantages of focus groups over in-depth interviews
Knowing what to include in a recruitment screener
Acting as a focus group moderator
Planning and executing your focus group
Classifying online focus groups
Projective Techniques and Observational Methods
Putting Projective Techniques to Work
Exploring the thematic apperception test
Using word association
Understanding attitudes with sentence completion
Assessing participants’ ideas with third-person role-playing
Scrutinizing Behavior with Observational Methods
Classifying observation research
Weighing the pros and cons of observation
Explaining the types of observation
Chapter 16: Conducting Experiments and Test Marketing
Discovering a Proper Approach to Experiment Basics
Establishing causal relationships .
Understanding design fundamentals
Controlling for extraneous variation .
Understanding the differences between laboratory and fi eld experiments
Examining internal validity and its threats
Simple Experiments for You to Consider
Entrepreneur examples
Professional examples
Retailer examples.
Restaurateur examples
Getting a Handle on Test Marketing
Traditional test markets
Simulated test markets.
Controlled test markets
Virtual test markets
Collecting, Analyzing, and Reporting Your Data
Collecting and Preparing Your Data
Determining Who Conducts Fieldwork
Using professional fi eldworkers
Monitoring in-house fi eldwork
Taking Care of Data Preparation and Entry
Knowing the basic terms
Beginning with pre-entry preparation
Coding your responses
Creating and cleaning data fi les
Controlling missing responses
Tools for Analyzing Your Data
Working with Descriptive Analysis
Summarizing data with tabulation
Measuring central tendency
Increasing understanding with measures of dispersion
Computing deviation scores
Making Your Data More Useable
Converting with data transformation
Knowing when to recode your data
Considering More Than One Variable: Cross-Tabulation and Banner Tables
Examining the basics of cross-tabulation
Interpreting cross-tabulation tables
Running a chi-square (χ2) test on a cross-tabulation table
Exploring the effect of moderator variables
Avoiding banner tables
Becoming Familiar with Correlation
Understanding the difference between correlation and causation
Associating between measures with the correlation coeffi cient (rxy)
Setting up a correlation matrix
Creating Effective Research Reports
Understanding the Objectives of a Research Report
Crafting Your Research Report
Introducing your research with the prefatory parts
Using the main body to explain your research
Presenting supplemental information in appendixes
Exploring the Writing Process
Steps to a winning report
Do’s and don’ts of report writing
Preparing Your Presentation
Charts and Graphs: Depicting Your Data
Cutting your info into slices: Pie charts
Showing changes in variables with bar charts
Comparing relationships over time: Multi-line graphs
Plotting many data points with scatterplots
Applying area graphs when bar charts aren’t enough
Depicting data with box and whisker plots
Part V: The Part of Tens
Ten Useful Research Tips for Business Operators.
Look to University Help First
Take a Statistics or Research Class
View Research as an Ongoing Process
Avoid Research Method Myopia
Start Researching Only After You Know What You Want to Know
Don’t Ignore Opportunity Costs
Pretest Everything
Study Your Customers Thoroughly
Make Incentives a Part of Your Research
Share Research Results with Employees
Ten Statistical Methods that You (or Your Research Consultant) May Use
Independent Samples T-Test
Paired Samples T-Test
One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Linear Multiple Regression (LMR)
Conjoint Analysis
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
Cluster Analysis
Discriminant Analysis
Logistic Regression