Million Dollar Micro Business
Million Dollar Micro Business. How to turn your expertise into a digital online course.
- 130,000đ
- Mã sản phẩm: MI2098
- Tình trạng: 2
PART I: How it begins 1
1 Start small 3
2 Personal branding 5
3 Time management 9
4 Overcome your fear 13
Success story: James Wedmore — Business By Design 19
PART II: Create that first idea 33
5 Get clear on your idea 35
6 Set up your new business 57
7 Map out your signature course 71
8 Develop your course content 79
9 Design your point of difference 97
10 Design your brand and what you stand for 105
11 Nail your first offer and program 119
Success story: Kayse Morris — The CEO Teacher 135
PART III: Launch it out into the world 147
12 Build your digital learning website 149
13 Content marketing 165
14 Build your list 181
15 Sell your services from a virtual stage 189
Success story: Tracy Harris — Mums With Hustle 197
PART IV: Growth 205
16 The comparison trap 207
17 Embrace automation and software 211
18 Become a systems nerd 217
19 Your micro team 223
20 Outsourcing vs in-house team 229
21 Ditch the guilt 235
Success story: Clint Salter — Dance Studio Owners Association 239
PART V: Welcome to the new world 253
22 Manage your money: cash flow vs profit 255
23 Say no to protect your energy 265
24 Design life your way 271
25 Where to from here? 277
Success story: Denise Duffield-Thomas — Chillpreneur 285
Resources 295
Index 299