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The Undeclared Secrets That Drive the Stock Market

Giao dịch tài chính chiếm khối lượng rất lớn trong các giao dịch kinh tế nhưng lại là ngành khó hiểu nhất. Giá biến động bất ngờ vào những lúc ít khả năng nhất. 

Đặt in thành sách tại HoaXanh, xem sách in mẩu trong video bên dưới.

  • 110,000đ
  • Mã sản phẩm: P13183
  • Tình trạng: 2

Financial trading may be the largest business in the world but it may be also the least understood business in the world. Sudden moves are a mystery to most, arriving when least expected and appearing to have little logic attached to them, frequently doing the exact opposite to a trader's intuitive judgement. Even those who make their living from trading, particularly the brokers and the pundits, who you would expect to have a detailed knowledge of the causes and effects in their chosen field, very often know little about how the markets really work.

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