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RSI Logic, Signals Time Frame Correlation

RSI Logic, Signals  Time Frame Correlation by Walter J. Baeyens, Shelley Mitchell.

Đây là quyển sách chi tiết về RSI bên cạnh quyển Complete RSI của John Hayden. Sách được làm rõ từ bản scan nên chất lượng tương đối. Xem sách mẩu trong hình ảnh bên dưới.

Đặt in thành sách tại HoaXanh, xem sách in mẩu trong video bên dưới.

  • 120,000đ
  • Mã sản phẩm: RS9438
  • Tình trạng: 2

Chapter One: Old Myths and New Concepts

Part I: Getting Started .

Part IT: l11e RSI Half-pipe.

Part ffi: A Small Dose of RSI Mathematics 


Part V: New Ideas

Part VI: T heCardwellian Signals ............................................ 34

Chapter"J\vo: The Slanted RSI Universe

Part I: The RSI Distortion 

Partll: RSJ Zoom-in.

Part III: RSJ Segments and Channels

Pan rv: RSI Chaimel Logic

Part V: The Nature of Price/RSIDive.rgences 

Part VI: RSI Signals Revisited 

Part VIl: The RST Lighthouse

Part VU!: (DD)-Based Support and Resistance Lines 

Part IX: Validity of(DD) Signals 

Part X: FAST(DD) Signals 

Part XI: Patterns in the RSI.

Part XII: UseofRSI(3) 

Part Xlll: Practice.

Chapter Three: RSI Time Frame Correlation

Part l: Inrroduction. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 111

Part n: Basis ofTime Frame Correlation ....................... .......... I 13

Partffi: railureof(DD)Signals ............................................ 115

Part JV: TFC - Zooming-in, Zooming-out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Part V: Jdentical Signals in DifferentTime F rames ...................... 125

Part VI: Conflicting Signals in the Same Time Frame.................. 129

Part VU: Conflicting Signals in Difforent Time Frames.............. 134

Part VITI: Projected Price Targets Revisited

Chapter Four: Additional Thoughts and Tools

Part 1: RSI Combined wit.h Other Technical Analysis Tools

Pa.rt. rJ: Practical Guidelines-Plotting RSI Channels 

Chapter Five: Real-TimeApplication

Part I: D1ug Index ($DRGX)

Part Il: Crude Oil Futures (CL)

Part Ill: S&P 500 Index


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