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Từ khóa: investing, brain, trading, neuro


Neuro Investing Build a new Investing Brain

Sách phân tích chi tiết về tâm lý trong đầu tư, tâm lý hành vi ảnh hưởng đến các quyết định đầu tư, giao dịch tài chính. Cho nên muốn có những quyết định đúng trong đầu tư thì trước tiên cần xây dựng một nguyên tắc suy nghĩ đúng.

Đặt in thành sách tại HoaXanh, xem sách in mẩu trong video bên dưới.

  • 150,000đ
  • Thương hiệu: Wiley
  • Mã sản phẩm: P19761
  • Tình trạng: 2

Part I: Being at Ease
Chapter 1: Money and Me
My Money Personality
The Big Five Personality Traits
Money and Me
Part II: The Tension Caused by Impulsiveness

Chapter 2: Thrills, Ego, and Impulse
What Is Impulsiveness?
What about Impulse?
Keeping Impulse and Impulsiveness at Tension
The Impulse Meter
Chapter 3: Impulsiveness and Our Brain
Impulsiveness and Dopamine
Dopamine Neurons
Dopamine and the Trader
Dopamine Withdrawal Symptoms
Novelty-Seeking Gene?
Dopamine's Engine Room and Neuronetwork
Chapter 4: Beating Impulsiveness
Taut and Alert
The Effect of Serotonin
The Right Brain Comes to the Rescue
Engaging the Rational Brain
Setting Rules and Sticking to Them
Emotional Pain and Fear
In Conflict
Brain Loop
Be Open
Play Your Own Game
Part III: The Tension of Fear
Chapter 5: How Did Fear Get Here?
A Big Expectation

A Clean Slate?
Prevalent Fears
Personal Fears
Chapter 6: Are Fears Bad?
Passing Up Good, Profitable Opportunities
Buying at the Top
Buying Products with High Yields
Counterproductive Trading
Unnecessary Protections
Fear Incapacitates
Inability to Accept Losses
Fear Causes Brain Freeze
The Costs of Fear
Chapter 7: Reacquaint Yourself with Fear
The Pandora's Box of Fear
The Engine Room of Fear
The Process of Fear
The Making of Fear Memories
How Real Are Memories?
Recreating Trading Memories
Other Fear Management Techniques
Part IV: Instincts Held in Tension
Chapter 8: Emotions and Beliefs
What Are Emotions?
The Emotional Neuronetwork

Value of Emotions
Emotional Expression of Goals
Our Beliefs: The Unspoken Goal
Instinct Encapsulates All
Chapter 9: Expressions of Instincts
A Culture of Anti-Instinct
Your Instinct Awaits
Expressing Instincts
The Emotional Brain and Instincts
Instincts in Trading
From Instincts to Mimicry
Mirror Neurons in Trading
The Workings of Mirror Neurons
Practice Instincts
Avoid Instinct Killers
Avoiding Anti-Instincts
Chapter 10: Nurturing Your Skills in NeuroInvesting
How to Be an Excellent Instinctual Investor
NeuroInvesting Is a Journey
Chapter 11: Summary of the 12 NeuroInvesting Trading
Appendix A: Big Five Inventory Questionnaire (Adapted)
The BFI Scale Scoring Instructions
Appendix B: Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (Revised)

Appendix C: The Maudsley Medical Questionnaire*
Appendix D: Word Connection List

Appendix E: Body Perception Questionnaire

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